About Me
My interest in astrology began in childhood, owing to a combination of cosmic, genetic and family influences. My worldview was influenced by my Piscean grandfather, artist, caricaturist and political cartoonist, George Finey, who was born exactly one week before astrologer Dane Rudhyar. They also shared a Sagittarian Ascendant.
Pop used to say that we are all born with a blueprint and go through life filling it in. He guided my development as perhaps only a wise Piscean grandparent can.
I spent the first years of my life growing up in the beautiful Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Many years later, I discovered that the house where we lived was called “Chiron”.
When I was about nine, my mother, for reasons she was never able to adequately explain, purchased a copy of Ronald C. Davison’s book, Astrology, because she had a feeling that one day, I might need it. I still have that book. It was not the only useful book she would gift me.
I was introduced to the writings of Carl Jung in 1984 when my grandfather gave me a copy of Memories, Dreams, Reflections, which he thoughtfully inscribed; To Michele from C.G. Jung and Pop.
I began teaching myself chart calculation in 1980 when transiting Uranus was making a conjunction to my natal Jupiter in Scorpio. I went on to study with Alan Johnston and then the Melbourne School of Astrology with Sean McNamara. I attained my FAA Astrology Diploma in 1985 and later studied clinical hypnotherapy and then professional writing and editing.
I am particularly interested in planetary cycles and enjoy writing and research. Over the years, I have developed my own style of astrology that is grounded in celestial movement and how archetypes inform personal development and events on Earth.
My articles have appeared in a range of publications including: Wellspring’s Astrolog, Nature and Health, The FAA Journal, The Mountain Astrologer, Dell Horoscope, Wellbeing Astrology Guide, The Career Astrologer, the NCGR Journal and at Astro.com. In 2006, I wrote a Health and Wellbeing Report for Solar Fire.
My Books:
Secrets of the Zodiac, Allen and Unwin (2009) Second edition (2010)
The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars, The Wessex Astrologer (2012). Updated edition (2022)
The Test of Time, (Exploring Stationary Planets) Busybird Publishing (2022)
My next book should be available in 2024/5.